We Once Studied the World as if it was Flat...

Imagine what we’re missing by studying tissue in 2D

Discover what 2D spatial misses

Cellular relationships are the essence of spatial biology. The promise of the field lies in our ability to resolve:

Yet, current industry-leading spatial technologies only glean insights from neighboring cells on a two-dimensional plane. Hover over the heatmap on the right to see the striking difference in the story told by 2D versus 3D tissue.

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Novel applications of 3D spatial biology

When it comes to tracking infrequent changes or impacts in a local area, 2D spatial analysis falls short. With 3D spatial biology powered by the Pyxa platform, you can survey a larger volume of cells within the same spatial area, increasing the odds of capturing a rare event, such as gene edits, formation of neural connections, cellular differentiation, or immune cell activation.

3D uncovers more biology

The Pyxa platform adds another dimension of data

Pyxa incorporates STARmap technology for true spatial analysis of thick tissue slices.

Expanding horizons for multiple therapeutic areas



Advanced modalities

And more....